Deploying Go App on Minikube Using Local Docker Image

In this post I will guide you how to running local Docker Image on Minikube, a Virtual Machine which runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster locally. To go thru this post, I expect you already have Docker, kubectl and Minikube installed in local environment.

Before starting into main topic, we need to create a small Go application first, it’s just a server that is receiving HTTP requests.

package main

import (


type Config struct {
	Port int `envconfig:"PORT" default:"8080"`

func main() {
	var conf Config
	if err := envconfig.Process("KLAUS", &conf); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("%v", err)
	log.Println("[INFO] Starting klaus server ...")

	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		id, err := uuid.NewUUID()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, err.Error())
		log.Printf("[INFO] ReqID: %v", id.String())
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello Klaus!!")
	log.Printf("[INFO] Listening on port :%d", conf.Port)
	http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", conf.Port), nil)

Let’s test the application first, run following command to resolve external packages

$ go get
$ go get

Then we are ready to run the app using following command, it will receive HTTP requests, then respond a simple message to client.

$ go run main.go

Finally, test the app

$ curl -XGET localhost:8080

If you get a hello message, that means you have successfully created the Go app server. So that we are ready to go thru to the next step, which is dockerizing the app.

Dockerize the Go app

To dockerize our Go app, I will use multi-stage Docker pattern to produce small Docker Image size.

Here is the Dockerfile that we use to dockerize the Go app.

FROM golang:1-alpine AS builder

WORKDIR /go/src/

RUN apk add --update git

COPY main.go .
RUN go get
RUN go get

RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o app .

FROM alpine

COPY --from=builder /go/src/ .


To build Docker Image using Dockerfile above, we could execute following command.

$ docker build --rm -t klaus-hello-world .

You’ll see a message something like this, if the Docker Image was successfully created.

Successfully built 4028d9d649e6
Successfully tagged klaus-hello-world:latest

You also can use docker images command to see the result. image alt text

To run the Docker Image, you can use following command.

$ docker run -e PORT=8080 -p 8080:8080 --name=klaus-hello-world klaus-hello-world

Then test it again by sending HTTP request using curl

$ curl localhost:8080

Deploying Local Docker Image on Minikube

In the previous section, we’ve successfully created a Docker Image for Go app, then in this section we’ll deploy it in Minikube, a local Kubernetes cluster that’s running in local machine. Before go thru into this section, I expect you already have Minikube in your local machine, to test it you can use following command.

$ minikube start

The result should be something like this

host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at

First thing we need to understand is, a minikube is a virtual machine that’s already have Docker image installed. So that we can say its Docker engine is different with Docker engine that’s already running on our local environment.

To proof that we can execute docker images command in local environment and in Minikube virtual machine, the result should be different. To execute the command inside Minikube virtual machine, you need ssh into Minikube first by running following command.

$ minikube ssh

Then the next step is pointing out local docker environment to Minikube by using following command. But first, we need to exit from Minikube virtual machine first, use exit command to do so.

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)

Execute docker images in Minikube and local environment, now the result should be same. Then the next step is building docker image for our Go app to Minikube’s Docker engine, the command is still the same.

$ docker build --rm -t klaus-hello-world .

To check the result, you can ssh into Minikube first then execute docker images , the Docker Image klaus-hello-world should be appeared there.

Then the next step is to create a yaml file about Kubernetes Deployment. To make Minikube uses local Docker Image, we need to configure its Image Pull Policy, use Never for the configuration.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  labels: load-balancer-klaus-hello-world
  name: klaus-hello-world
  replicas: 5
    matchLabels: load-balancer-klaus-hello-world
      labels: load-balancer-klaus-hello-world
      - image: klaus-hello-world:latest
        name: klaus-hello-world
        imagePullPolicy: Never
        - containerPort: 8080
        - name: KLAUS_PORT
          value: "8080"

To execute the file, we run following command.

$ kubectl apply -f minikubeDeployment.yaml

It will create Deployment object and associated with ReplicaSet object. The ReplicaSet object will has 5 pods, each object runs the application.

$ kubectl get pods

The output is similar to this. image alt text

Then you can use following command to check the Deployment

$ kubectl get deployment klaus-hello-world

Then the final step is creating Service object to expose the Deployment.

$ kubectl expose deployment klaus-hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --name=klaus-hello-world-service

To check the result, use following command

$ kubectl get services klaus-hello-world-service

The output is similar to this. image alt text

If EXTERNAL-IP is still , wait for couple of minute or execute minikube tunnel in different terminal. Then check the result by using the same command, if it’s still not appeared, try again and again.

You can also can use following command to see detail information about the Service.

$ kubectl describe services klaus-hello-world-service

Then finally use the EXTERNAL-IP address to access the application.

$ curl http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:<PORT>

The response to successful request is a hello message:

Hello Klaus!!

Yay it means we’ve successfully deployed Go application using local Docker Image on Minikube.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!


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